Impartiality Policy 

  1. Tempo will ensure that the value of certification is upheld, the services of Tempo shall be available to all users of Certification and such services shall be applied in a manner necessary to preserve impartiality, objectivity, independence, freedom from conflict of interest, freedom from bias, lack of prejudice, neutrality, fairness, open-mindedness, even-handedness, detachment and balance.

  2. Tempo (including its auditors) shall not participate in the designing, implementation or maintenance (including Internal Audit) of the management systems of its certified clients and shall not have been engaged in such activities in the two years prior to the customer’s receipt of Tempo’s Certification services.

  3. Tempo (including its licensees and auditors) may arrange training and participate as a trainer provided that, where the course relates to management systems or auditing, it is confined to the provision of generic principles (and is not providing content that is tailored to a particular company or its Management System).

  4. Tempo undertakes to instil confidence in the delivery of its certification services to customers and other parties having an interest in certification. This is achieved by upholding the principles of impartiality, competence, responsibility, openness, confidentiality and responsiveness to complaints. Tempo is committed to safeguarding impartiality in its certification activities and recognises threats to impartiality from self interest, self review, familiarity and intimidation.

  5. Tempo demonstrates its commitment to impartiality by regularly undertaking thorough assessments of the risks to impartiality and taking action to eliminate or minimise any risks identified. The risk assessment process is maintained through the company’s Impartiality and Governance Committee and associated management review process. All aspects of impartiality are ultimately overseen by the committee for safeguarding impartiality which assists in developing policies relating to impartiality; counteracts any tendency to allow commercial or other considerations to prevent consistent provision of certification activities; advises on matters affecting confidence in certification and regularly reviews the impartiality of the audit, certification and decision making process of the company.

  6. Tempo has undertaken a review with its various Insurance Brokers, regarding the insurance cover that Tempo may require in the conduct of its business as a UKAS accredited certification body. The Directors of Tempo shall maintain adequate liability insurance which shall include as a minimum: Professional Indemnity: £2m Product Liability: £1m Employer Liability: £10m

  7. From time to time the Company is required to evaluate its systems and procedures and practices, to ensure that impartiality in its certification is maintained. Parties with an interest in the certification services of Tempo are invited, by virtue of this policy, to submit any proposals, comments or relevant observations on the services of Tempo so that these may be considered by Tempo as part of its evaluation process for continual improvement.

  8. Parties with an interest in certification shall be considered to include:

    • Consumers and members of the public

    • Non-Governmental organisations and trade bodies

    • Governmental Authorities

    • Customers of certified companies

    • Certified clients

    • Applicants for certification

    All comments may be addressed to: Tempo Audits Limited 22 Jubilee Road Bristol BS2 9RS

  9. Consultancy organisations are an established part of the implementation process of management systems. Tempo will co-operate with outside organisations for the benefit of the client but will have no direct affiliation with management or product system consultancy organisations. Tempo will take action to correct inappropriate claims of affiliation (stated or implied) by any consultancy or other organisation that suggests directly, or indirectly, that certification would be simpler, easier, faster or less expensive by virtue of their co-operation with Tempo.

  10. Processes for granting, refusing, maintaining, renewing, suspending, restoring or withdrawing certification or expanding or reducing the scope of certification are conducted by Tempo personnel.

Management System Document Reference: POL6.
Version: 1
Issue Date: 25/8/2024