Quality Policy 

The top management team of Tempo are dedicated to providing a professional certification service to all clients in accordance with internationally recognised accredited management system requirements; placing particular emphasis on experience, expertise, capability and professionalism of personnel. Objectives include:

  • Provision of a certification service in a fair and impartial manner which conforms to accreditation and contractual requirements (with clients and other applicable bodies)

  • Comply with its compliance obligations

  • Monitor and review its client facing performance

  • Maintain and implement an internal audit process to monitor assess overall performance and conformance with compliance obligations.

Tempo maintains a management system which is effectively designed, approved and communicated at all levels within the business. Top management of Tempo have identified suitable and sufficient responsibilities and authorities for the implementation and maintenance of the management system. Continuous monitoring of service levels and company performance (internally and externally) is intended to ensure that Tempo meets its objectives and demonstrates continuous improvement. This policy shall be effectively communicated to all members of Tempo.

Management System Document Reference: POL2.
Version: 1
Issue Date: 25/8/2024